
Dear users,

Welcome to our cloud mining service, the forefront of cloud mining that proudly offers services for mining various digital currencies. Please read the following carefully before using this service.

1. Your Commitments:

By using this service, you commit to keeping your user information confidential and not using it as a means of identity verification. Additionally, you are obligated to adhere to the rules and regulations related to the use of mining services.

2. Security and Information Protection:

Our security policies are designed to protect your information from unauthorized access. Any attempt to breach or compromise system security is strictly prohibited.

3. Financial Arrangements:

You are obliged to comply with all financial arrangements associated with the use of cloud mining services, including fees and contract terms.

4. Support and Communication:

Our support team is always ready to assist you and answer your questions. Please inform our support team of any issues or questions that may arise.

5. Changes in Terms and Conditions:

We may update the service terms and conditions. Please stay informed of the latest changes and review them regularly.

Thank you for choosing to use our cloud mining services. We hope that this service provides you with a positive and profitable experience.

