
How Much I Will Earn?

How JetMiner Works?

Learn about our work process. You need to follow the steps below to start your first mining.


Create An Account

Create a user profile using the register option and get ready for mining.


Choose Plans

Top up your balance and buy the mining plan at the most reasonable price.


Start Mining

Increase the mining power on the fly for all the coins using JetMiner.


Get Mining Output

You will periodically receive mining output in your designated wallet.

About JetMiner

JetMiner is one of the leading cryptocurrency mining platforms, offering cryptocurrency mining capacities in every range - for newcomers. Our mission is to make acquiring cryptocurrencies easy and fast for everyone.


Ultimate performance at low cost

World Wide Service

Servicing over 2000 customers from 100+ countries

Multiple Cryptocurrencies

We are offering 10+ minable cryptocurrencies.



Choose your plans and increase your mining speed and make more coins!

Cloud-BTC Miner beginner

$50.00 /30 Day

  • 0.5% Maintenance cost per day
  • Return per day: 2.83 USDT
  • Total Net Profit 34.83 USDT
  • perod 30 days
Cloud-BTC Miner min

$100.00 /10 Day

  • 1% Maintenance cost per day
  • Return per day: 12.40 USDT
  • Total Net Profit 24 USDT
  • period 10 days
Cloud-DOGE Miner min

$100.00 /30 Day

  • 1% Maintenance cost per day
  • Return per day: 4.84 USDT
  • Total Net Profit 45.2 USDT
  • perod 30 days
Cloud-BTC Miner min

$200.00 /10 Day

  • 1% Maintenance cost per day
  • Return per day: 25.57 USDT
  • Total Net Profit 55.7
  • period 10 days
Cloud-BTC Miner

$300.00 /10 Day

  • 1% Maintenance cost per day
  • Return per day: 41.84 USDT
  • Total Net Profit 118.4 USDT
  • period 10 days
Cloud-DOGE Miner low

$300.00 /30 Day

  • 1.5% Maintenance cost per day
  • Return per day: 14.52 USDT
  • Total Net Profit 135.6 USDT
  • period 30 days
Cloud-BTC Miner low

$500.00 /15 Day

  • 1% Maintenance cost per day
  • Return per day: 46.49 USDT
  • Total Net Profit 197.35 USDT
  • period 15 days
Cloud-BTC Miner III

$1,000.00 /30 Day

  • 1% Maintenance cost per day
  • Return per day: 38.74 USDT
  • Total Net Profit 162.2 USDT
  • period 30 days
Cloud-DOGE Miner

$1,000.00 /30 Day

  • 1.5% Maintenance cost per day
  • Return per day: 45.97 USDT
  • Total Net Profit 379.1 USDT
  • period 30 days
Cloud-BTC Miner I

$5,000.00 /30 Day

  • 1.5% Maintenance cost per day
  • Return per day: 194.00 USDT
  • Total Net Profit 820 USDT
  • period 30 days
Cloud-BTC Miner

$8,000.00 /30 Day

  • 1.5% Maintenance cost per day
  • Return per day: 310.00 USDT
  • Total Net Profit 1300
  • period 30 days
Cloud-BTC Miner II

$10,000.00 /30 Day

  • 2% Maintenance cost per day
  • Return per day: 465.00 USDT
  • Total Net Profit 3950 USDT
  • period 30 days
Cloud-DOGE Miner pro

$10,000.00 /30 Day

  • 2% Maintenance cost per day
  • Return per day: 484.00 USDT
  • Total Net Profit 4520 USDT
  • period 30 days

$2,000.00 /30 Day

  • 2% Maintenance cost per day
  • Return per day: 150.56 USDT
  • Total Net Profit 2516 USDT
  • period 30 days

$1,000.00 /30 Day

  • 1.5% Maintenance cost per day
  • Return per day: 79.07 USDT
  • Total Net Profit 1372 USDT
  • period 30 days

Frequently Ask Questions

Here you can find our top frequently asked questions. Please let us know if you have any queries regarding our mining platform and FAQs.

Cloud mining is a service that allows users to mine cryptocurrencies without the need for physical mining hardware. Unlike traditional mining, which involves setting up and maintaining your equipment, cloud mining provides a remote mining service where users can rent computing power from a provider.

Our platform offers cloud mining services for a variety of popular cryptocurrencies, including but not limited to Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and more. The available options may vary based on market demand and the latest trends.

We prioritize the security of our users' data and earnings. Our platform employs industry-standard encryption protocols, two-factor authentication, and other security measures to ensure the protection of user information. Regular security audits are conducted to identify and address potential vulnerabilities.

You have the option to fund your account by making a payment using Tether (USDT). Tether is a type of cryptocurrency that is pegged to the value of traditional fiat currencies like the US Dollar. To recharge your account, you would need to initiate a transaction using Tether as the payment method. This involves sending a specific amount of Tether to the designated wallet address provided by the platform. Once the transaction is confirmed, the equivalent value in your account will be updated, allowing you to use the funds for various purposes within the platform. It's important to follow the instructions provided by the platform for making Tether payments, including using the correct wallet address and ensuring the transaction is properly confirmed on the blockchain.

Reputation and Reviews: Check reviews and reputation from other users. Transparency: Choose a service transparent about fees and operations. Security Measures: Ensure robust security measures are in place. Mining Pools and Algorithms: Check for diverse pools and supported algorithms. Contract Terms: Review contract terms for transparency and reasonability. Customer Support: Assess responsiveness and effectiveness of customer support. Historical Performance: Examine historical performance and realistic promises. Legal Compliance: Confirm compliance with relevant legal requirements. Start with smaller investments and scale up based on positive experiences.

Our Special Features

We are combining all the key aspects of conducting an efficient cryptocurrency mining activity. From building a highly efficient data center to providing a robust mining system for our users.


As we run our business in 100+ countries we have a multilingual feature in your system.

Easy Payment System

We have 20+ payment methods in our system. You can easily complete your payment.

Daily Mining Output

Our system will automatically add your daily mining results to your account. Also, you are able to withdraw that amount.


Secure And Private

We support cryptocurrencies that promote privacy, so we try to keep user data collected to a minimum and will only require information.

Intuitive Dashboard

Our system dashboard contains all your crypto mining data and charts.

Robust Mining Technology

For each of the blockchain algorithms that we have proposed, we are providing some of the highest performance mining systems available.

Our Special Services

We provide the best services to our miners, be connected with us, and get profited.

24/7 Support

We are ready to answer all your questions and advise you 24/7. Feel free to reach us anytime.

Instant Connect

Our team of experts always available and feels happy to help you. Please mail if you have issue

Easy Withdrawal

Our withdrawal process takes only 24 hours. We are highly transparent about transactions.

Detailed Statistics

We make detailed statistics of your transaction, also you will get all the mining logs.

Cloud Mining

We provide the best cloud mining service and give rewards to our miners on a daily basis.

Data Protection

We constantly work on improving our system and the level of our security to minimize any risks.

What people says about us

A huge number of people trust us and here are the words of some of them.


This cloud mining service is truly a miracle! I have never enjoyed such speed and profitability in a cloud mining service before. The outstanding support and high security level here make it one of the best cloud mining platforms.


I had never seen such a user-centric service before! From transparent contracts with no hidden fees to continuous feature upgrades, this service is truly worth trying.


Using this service for cloud mining was a smart decision. The track record and exceptional support instilled confidence in me, turning my experience into a profitable one.


The cloud mining service here is truly excellent! Given the high speed and good profits I have gained from cloud mining here, I recommend it to everyone.

Aspernatur quos amet
Rerum excepteur volu

I have worked with this platform and got good feedback. I recommend this site to all people. Really trustworthy.

Ready To Start Your Mining

Just create an account on our site and start your first mining.

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